Produce for you

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The system based in producing for someone else’s brand is called in Spanish “Maquila”. This system comes from Middle Ages in Spain. The mill owner used to pay to the miller with a portion of the material obtained. From that moment, the production under this method has been adapting to the new markets and expanding to other industries beyond sugar, olive oil, etc. This activity is currently known as production of white labels or production for distributor brand.

Our company specialized in this kind of production since 1980, by manufacturing to our clients’ brand. We were pioneer in Spain in our sector. Since the beginning this production system was based on a direct cooperation between our clients and our R+D department.

Our cooperating behavior and our implication with for the highest quality standards have allowed the development of innovative products for concrete markets, always according to our client enquiries.

The confidentiality is another principle in our company, as we believe that it is necessary for the launch of new products.

Nowadays we are proud of being the main producers of some important European brands in snacks, pizzas, frozen and refrigerated products.

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